NEW shelf display OL-1: Optimal visibility through innovative OLED technology

Pick-by-light specialist KBS Industrieelektronik has developed the new PTF-OL-1 shelf display module for a more precise and angle-independent display, thus bringing the graphic display to the latest technical standard.

shelf display with OLED display


What is so special:
has a larger, contemporary graphic display equipped with cutting-edge OLED technology which ensures that all relevant information is displayed in super sharp clarity, thus replacing the predecessor LC display. The abbreviation OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode which, in contrast to LCD panels, does not depend on external background lighting and uses less energy. OLED guarantees even sharper contrast and therefore optimal visibility of the display whatever the viewing angle, which contributes toward ensuring the perfect pick process.

The new module is equippend with its tried-and-tested features, such as the oval, eye-catching lamp
divided into two parts (2×7 colour combinations), which simplifies the pick-by-light shelf display with OLED displaywork of two pickers operating in the same zone, and also with confirmation, quantity and function keys. With its graphic display, OL-1 is particularly suited to displaying additional information over several lines and in different font sizes. Along with the pick quantities, the article number and a brief description can also be shown, for instance. Furthermore, additional options, such as confirmation per LTouch (lightly touching the lamp instead of pressing a button) or completely contact-free confirmation via sensor (QRS movement sensor), as well as an acoustic signalling device, extend the application possibilities of the highly flexible system.

Another highlight is the optional external input for connection of switches or an acoustic signaling device directly on the pick-by-light module. This enables filling levels to be queried or status notifications by the conveyor system to be received, for instance, or an external confirmation signal such as from a pull-wire switch or sensor can also be connected up.

>> our pick-by-light systems